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How can I focus my results?

The tissues and cells section in GeneAnalytics contains four powerful filters which enable you to focus on specific sub-sets of the results:

1. Tissue/system:

  • The tissue/system results panel is available in the upper left part of the results screen, and also serves as a filter for the detailed results.
  • Note, that in this panel, ‘Tissues’ are all organs, tissues and cell classes defined in LifeMap Discovery.
  • Entities that are not categorized into a specific tissue or system (e.g., fibroblasts) are presented as “uncategorized” tissues/systems, which appear at the end of the tissues/systems list, with no score.

2. 'Expressed in’: is used to filter for specific entity types:

  • Cells (in vivo and in vitro)
  • Compartments (anatomical compartments)
  • Organs and tissues
  • High throughput comparisons (and large scale dataset samples)

3. In vivo/In vitro filter

4. Prenatal/postnatal filter

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  1. Yaron Guan Golan

  2. Posted
