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How can I identify cell markers and genes that are specific or enriched within a specific organ/tissue?

  • You can view annotations for selective cell markers by clicking on the number of matched genes for a specific cell in the results table. Matched genes that serve as cellular markers are indicated by the following icon: Selective Marker Icon.
  • To view genes in your query that are annotated as abundant or housekeeping genes, go to the ‘Analyzed genes’ panel at the top of the results page, and click on Notes Icon . Abundant genes are genes that appear in a large number of organs or tissues in LifeMap Discovery (for more information about LifeMap Discovery entities, click here). Housekeeping genes are genes contained within a list that was established by integrating information from several studies aimed to identify human housekeeping genes.
  • The LifeMap Discovery database contains more gene annotations which are not yet presented to the user but are used for the GeneAnalytics calculations:
    • Specific gene: a gene that is specific to or is expressed in only a few organs or tissues.  
    • Enriched gene: a gene that is expressed in many entities of the same organ or tissue.

To receive a list of all genes expressed in a specific tissue, organ or developmental path, including annotations for selective markers, specific genes and tissue-enriched genes, please contact us.

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  1. Yaron Guan Golan

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