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Citing GeneCards in the Literature

In order to cite the GeneCards Suite databases and tools please note the relevant URL(s) and cite the relevant publication(s). Examples:

  1. GeneCards – the human gene database
    Stelzer G, Rosen R, Plaschkes I, Zimmerman S, Twik M, Fishilevich S, Iny Stein T, Nudel R, Lieder I, Mazor Y, Kaplan S, Dahary D, Warshawsky D, Guan - Golan Y, Kohn A, Rappaport N, Safran M, and Lancet D. The GeneCards Suite: From Gene Data Mining to Disease Genome Sequence Analysis , Current Protocols in Bioinformatics(2016), 54:1.30.1 - 1.30.33.doi: 10.1002 / cpbi.5. [PDF]
  2. MalaCards – the human disease database
    Rappaport N, Twik M, Plaschkes I, Nudel R, Iny Stein T, Levitt J, Gershoni M, Morrey CP, Safran M, and Lancet D. MalaCards: an amalgamated human disease compendium with diverse clinical and genetic annotation and structured search , Nucleic Acids Research(2016), doi: 10.1093 / nar / gkw1012. [PDF]
  3. GeneHancer – the human database of regulatory elements and their target genes
    Fishilevich S, Nudel R, Rappaport N, Hadar R, Plaschkes I, Iny Stein T, Rosen N, Kohn A, Twik M, Safran M, Lancet D, and Cohen D. GeneHancer: genome - wide integration of enhancers and target genes in GeneCards , Database(Oxford)(2017), doi: 10.1093 / database / bax028. [PDF]
  4. VarElect – the NGS phenotyper
    Stelzer G, Plaschkes I, Oz - Levi D, Alkelai A, Olender T, Zimmerman S, Twik M., Belinky F, Fishilevich S, Nudel R, Guan - Golan Y, Warshawsky D, Dahary D, Kohn A, Mazor Y, Kaplan S, Iny Stein T, Baris H, Rappaport N, Safran M, and Lancet D. VarElect: the phenotype - based variation prioritizer of the GeneCards suite , BMC Genomics(2016), 17(Suppl 2):444; DOI: 10.1186 / s12864 - 016 - 2722 - 2. [PDF]
  5. TGex - the NGS analysis platform
    Stelzer G, Plaschkes I, Oz - Levi D, Alkelai A, Olender T, Zimmerman S, Twik M., Belinky F, Fishilevich S, Nudel R, Guan - Golan Y, Warshawsky D, Dahary D, Kohn A, Mazor Y, Kaplan S, Iny Stein T, Baris H, Rappaport N, Safran M, and Lancet D. VarElect: the phenotype - based variation prioritizer of the GeneCards suite , BMC Genomics(2016), 17(Suppl 2):444; DOI: 10.1186 / s12864 - 016 - 2722 - 2. [PDF]
  6. GeneAnalytics – the gene set analysis tool
    Ben-Ari Fuchs S, Lieder I, Stelzer G, Mazor Y, Buzhor E, Kaplan S, Bogoch Y, Plaschkes I, Shitrit A, Rappaport N, Kohn A, Edgar R, Shenhav L, Safran M, Lancet D, Guan-Golan Y, Warshawsky D, and Strichman R. GeneAnalytics:An Integrative Gene Set Analysis Tool for Next Generation Sequencing, RNAseq and Microarray Data, OMICS(2016) Volume 20, Number 3; DOI: 10.1089/omi.2015.0168. [PDF]
  7. PathCards – the pathway unification database
    Belinky F, Nativ N, Stelzer G, Zimmerman S, Iny Stein T, Safran M, and Lancet, D. PathCards: multi-source consolidation of human biological pathways, Database (2015) Vol. 2015: article ID bav006; doi:10.1093/database/bav006. [PDF]
  8. HIPED - the database of protein abundance in human tissues
    Fishilevich S, Zimmerman S, Kohn A, Iny Stein T, Safran M, and Lancet D. Genic Insights From Integrated Human Proteomics in GeneCards, Database (2016); doi: 10.1093/database/baw030. [PDF]
  9. GeneLoc – the genome locator
    Rosen, N., Chalifa-Caspi, V., Shmueli, O., Adato, A., Lapidot, M., Stampnitzky, J., Safran, M., and Lancet, D. GeneLoc: Exon-based integration of human genome maps. Bioinformatics: 19,S1: 222-224 (2003) . [PDF]
  10. GeneALaCart – the GeneCards batch-query processor
    Stelzer G, Rosen R, Plaschkes I, Zimmerman S, Twik M, Fishilevich S, Iny Stein T, Nudel R, Lieder I, Mazor Y, Kaplan S, Dahary D, Warshawsky D, Guan - Golan Y, Kohn A, Rappaport N, Safran M, and Lancet D. The GeneCards Suite: From Gene Data Mining to Disease Genome Sequence Analysis , Current Protocols in Bioinformatics(2016), 54:1.30.1 - 1.30.33.doi: 10.1002 / cpbi.5. [PDF]
  11. GenesLikeMe – the partner hunter
    Stelzer G, Inger A, Olender T, Iny Stein T, Dalah I, Harel A, Safran M and Lancet D. GeneDecks: paralog hunting and gene-set distillation with GeneCards annotation OMICS, 2009, 13(6): 477-487 [PDF]
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